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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Toruniu

My name is Przepiórka, I have lived in a Toruń shelter since November 2022, and I came here from a nearby zoobotanical garden, where I was arrived out of nowhere. Employees of both institutions had a lot of run after me, eventually they helped themselves with a grid for pheasants to catch me, hence such a birdy name. I don't know how old I am, it's hard to guess my age because of the bad condition I got in and an uneven bite - yes, this is my charm... I don't know how much I have ahead of me - I have a seriously ill heart (two congenital flaws), which unfortunately do not qualify for the procedure... I would like to find a home that will love me as I am, and I am a really nice doggie! I like people, I like other dogs, I take what life gives me.

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